Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Grace Green's Great Adventure trail cutting

Grace has officially had her first jeep trip and her first trail cutting weekend. I'm sure this will be one of many such weekends in her future. We started out on Wednesday by setting up the camper at the state park. As you can see, Grace is raring to go and Dad is still trying to decide if he's ready to get up or not.

Then we headed off up the mountain to scout the possible trail locations. Okay, so Mike did the scouting and the rest of us followed in the jeep. As you can see, the weather was a little foggy and cool.

Days 2 and 3 (Thurs / Fri) brought more fog, rain, and cool weather. By the end of Day 3, we had a great trail marked and were just waiting for the cutting & cleaning crew to show up on Saturday.

Our evenings spent in the pop-up camper. Our weekend guest, Nevin, was a lot of fun to have around. Even though Grace really enjoyed her make-shift mobile, Patrick wasn't really sure what to think about it. :)

Until our next adventure...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Grace Swinging Away

We purchased a new toy (Flip video recorder) so we thought we'd play with it a little. What better to video than Grace swinging away during a nap this afternoon?

I guess the main reason for posting is to see if we can figure out how to post videos as well. :)

Till next time.

Mike, Lenda, & Grace

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

And in the beginning....

There was a first blog post. :) Well, I figured it was time to jump on the bandwagon and get our very own blog. Everyone else is doing, why not the Greens?!? And for those that know Mike & I, you knew it would be me that would have to head this one up. hehe

Well, our little family is doing great and as always we're up to something almost all the time. Grace and Patrick are helping Mike return a 4-wheeler we borrowed over the weekend. Taz & I are about to run to FedEx and a few other places.

Welcome to our blog and do visit often to see what the Greens are up to and where in the world we are or have been!

Mike, Lenda, Grace, Taz & Patrick